Friday, April 23, 2010

A Photo Blog

I thought I would change things up and do a photo blog entry. Mostly about daily life in the M.Sc. Hostel (dormitory) at my school.

Waking up in the morning, this is my bed. The top one is a mattress and the bottom one is a comforter I use as an extra padding layer. Below it is plywood.

Making a morning cup of tea (when the electricity is working).

Checking email, blogging, working on thesis research, etc.

Hanging up my laundry to dry on the roof of the hostel.

My collection of "bansuris" (bamboo flutes) with a CD shown for size. The little one and the giant one are almost impossible to play.

One of our two chefs, Susan, preparing a special meal in the hostel mess.

Heading out with my friend Kajendra to run an errand for the day.

A lot of the times, this is the fastest and cheapest shipping method for distributing goods in the city.

Crossing over one of the smaller local rivers. Hold you breath or cover your nose and mouth.

Passing by a small carpentry shop in the backstreets of a local neighborhood.

Unlike Houston, there is only one oil company in Nepal.

This is the errand for the day, picking up a water conductivity meter for the class trip to test the flow rate of a rural river.

Passing by a local tobacco shop where a man is cutting leaves by hand.

Stopping for a photo opportunity in one of the main intersections in Kathmandu.

Kajendra feeding a stray dog with some of our cookies. I think this went along with a discussion about Albert Schweitzer.

Passing over the Baghmati river. I wish the islands were sand and rocks like they look like in the picture. They are islands of trash.

Getting back to the hostel and finding a volleyball game in progress.

Students gathering for the celebration farewell meal to the graduating class.
(I will be graduating next year)

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